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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pocket Change

Change. A word that represents an idea that is so sought after and avoided in our world today. Change represents hope for the future, a chance to learn from our mistakes and oh how many do we make! But it is also like pulling the keystone from a building. Change can be devastating, and for many that six-letter word holds the power of life and death, fear and security, instability. How do we deal with Change? Run and hide or face it full on? When the world turns and life amends itself, there is nothing that we as simple humans can do to stop it. There is more involved in Change than just our feelings, fears, and failings. The very essence of human life is Change and growth. We cannot stay as children forever, there comes a time when we must mature and put childish ways behind us. Change entangles every human action, natural disaster, disease, accident, loss, and decision. Life does not flip a coin to decide when it is going to change. God does not choose to Change something spur of the moment. He has a plan, and that involves Change. Seasons end and begin all the time. There is nothing that we can do to stop that. But we can learn to grow and thrive in Change. It is a healthy, normal, natural part of life, and Change is a much better alternative than Stagnation.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Questionable Foundations

What is a question? What does this “?” mean? It is an attempt for Truth, is it not? As humans, we have a desire for understanding. We want to know something – anything – for sure. Each of us needs some concrete knowledge to stand on while the world writhes with change all around us. And why should we not? A question is a tool that
 most of us use with extreme commonality. We have our trust question mark hanging on our belt, under our pillow, but when do we stop and look at it? From the time that we could talk, curiosity took over. Why is the sky blue? What does this do? Who is that? But though we use this tool every day, we never stop to look at it. Who asks questions about questions, right? But I think that we need to slow down a bit. We need to realize what questions o for us and appreciate that. A question scrutinizes our unsure lives for Truth. And Truth is what we set our foundations on. But depending on what truth that foundation is set on, we live our lives in different ways. Because the truth is not always the Truth. So be careful what questions that you ask and what truths you hold as True.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Perspective; Perseption

People are peculiar. There is no other possible conclusion to come to when strolling through this life we live. We all have our own hopes, fears, understandings. But the thing that strikes me most is our perception of what events go on around us. An incident could be witnessed by an entire crowd of people and every one of them could experience it differently. When I interact with you, we both play different roles. I write and you read. And although it may be my words that you are reading, it is your thoughts that you are – hopefully – thinking. I design my words to target and coax ideas from your minds, but I cannot accurately guess your reaction to my notions. Perspective and perception vary between people based on their past experiences. Almost everyday we live our lives with no regard to others viewpoints because we are conscious only of our own. It is easy to do, but think of this: when someone asks you a question, think about how they are feeling/thinking/perceiving the event that is taking place. You have information that may help them with their question, but though they ask, they are not even certain of that. Thinking like this can almost induce an out of body experience. In fact, in everyday life, we all live with different levels of knowledge and understanding, some higher than others. I may be have more knowledge about art than a computer scientist, but can I write the complex formulas that they do, let alone understand their job? Just because we know different things, does not make one of us more knowledgeable than the other. Every person alive on this earth thinks differently, even if only slightly. Your family and friends, though you may know them well, do not have the same though process as you, and therefore may not arrive at the same conclusion. It may be difficult, but stop and think the next time an argument happens. You may think that you are right, but it is not necessarily about being right; it has a lot to o with how you get there.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Deeper Look

How many years have you been alive? How many days have you lived? In the past year, how many sunsets have you savored like sweet sauce on you tongue? How many have you cherished? How many have you seen or even noticed? There is something beautiful to be tasted everyday. There is at least one thing to adore every morning. It does not have to be new, old things can whisper you their faithful glory if you know how to listen. A clock, a chair, a piano, a house, a pitcher, a vase. Stop and stare. They will find it rude, and they will probably enjoy your company. But do not forget, new things can be enjoyed just as well. A flower, a rain shower, a baby. Let your appreciation play like a child in the yard. It is healthy; the little guy needs to get some exercise every once in a while.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Masks. Masks hide who we are. They cover up what we don't want others to see. Masks are armor, protection from emotion. We forge them in fires of fear to keep us from harm, from other people, from ourselves. But masks do not protect us, Just like swimming in plate armor, masks hinder us from living, truly living as we are ment to. Masks are not shields, they are balls and chains dragging us down into the depths, away from who we are denying: our true selves. They are a thin layer of denial over a festering sore, but just because we ignore it does not mean that it will go away. The pain does not go away. But a mask shows who we really are  because it covers our fears and our shortcomings, the things that we wish to hide. In a way, masks can be the most honest things about us because they cannot lie, only disguise.