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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Balance. A word that most people would use without a second thought. But Balance is the most important word in the English language. It is the most important word in any language. The word Balance is not significant in and of itself,  but its meaning is vital to existence. The entire universe hinges on the meaning of this simple word. Life Balances death. Good Balances evil. But the problem is . . . how do we live? . . . how do we Balance? Where does hope end and and insanity begin? How do love and fear hold hands? Can faith become idiocy when pushed too far? What really is the difference between the natural and the supernatural? The world, the entire universe, is a fabric woven of these two strands. Carnal and Spiritual. Are angels and demons locked in battle around us, but we are just too blind to see? If a man's eyes were opened, truly unlocked and released, would he believe what he saw? Or would he scream until his lungs failed? Are the minds of the lunatic and basket cases missing, or Balanced? Understanding our life in this world, real understanding, is like peeling back the curtain to see the realm beyond.          When the expectations of life, the lock on the natural, are allowed to melt away like chalk on a wall in the rain, Balance can be achieved. Search for equilibrium between confidence and arrogance, skepticism and ignorant disbelief, living and wasting. Search for Balance.

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