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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Curious Creature

Sorrow is a curious creature. Sometimes it creeps up quietly, uninvited and un announced. At other moments it bursts forth like a raging river. Sorrow can be a silent companion, steadfast and strong. It always has an effect, whether immediately pressing, weak and fading, or just a nudge in your thoughts. Life carries on through tragedy, but sadness is like a burr; it sticks to your hair and your clothes. It clings on for for dear life, because you are the only one who can provide that for it. Sorrow depends on you for sustenance. It is your choice to allow or deny its existence. And that is not a decision to take lightly. Not all sadness is parasitic or harmful.  A lesson learned from mistakes leaves scars, scars that should not be forgotten. Disappointment in failure is healthy, so long as it does not hinder you from  future victory. It is a safeguard against apathy. To forget the sadness of losing a friend or loved one would be to forget a piece of who you are. So, what will you do with your power? Do not hand it over to Sorrow. Do not give away power over your life. But don't commit murder either; sadness can be a healthy part of who you are.   Choose where you permit Sorrow to live with discretion because it could potentially leave treacherous ground in your life.

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