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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Caged Bird

What if your mouth was removed? What would you miss most? Food? Drink? Speech? A person's mouth is like a portal through which their thoughts escape. I would miss the ability to quickly express myself . Despite language's poor ability to portray what the speaker is attempting to say, speech is a genuine media of expression. To rob a person of the capability to communicate their ideas is like denying a roaring lion space to roam and reign. The mind is a caged bird when expressions is refused it; its great power is rendered moot and mute without freedom. If the hands of Rembrant, Van Goh, or Picasso had been taken their mouths would have been removed. If their vision had been destroyed, so would their expression. Should art be denied the masses? Can art be denied the masses if they refuse to truly see it? If most people do not hear, see, and understand creative expression, are our mouths not denied us? Expression, bon-a-fide originality, absolutely requires response. A world without reply to expressions is pitiful and pointless. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Expressions in need of reaction, it aims to elicit emotion. Without a mouth, how can we speak? Without a mouth, how can we smile?

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