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Monday, December 5, 2011

Insanity, Inconsistancy

Outside, the rain is falling so thick that you can barely see three feet in front of you. If you go outside in the rain without an umbrella, which makes more sense: that you will be soaked completely and instantaneously, or that you will be dry? That you will be as wet as water itself, of course! How about if you go outside in 1,000 degree weather without sunscreen? You will be burnt to a crisp, no question. What if you see a child who is about to be hit by a car? Would you push them out of the way and save them? What if you were the driver? Would you still speed? Dp you speed? Just as occurrences in nature demand consistency, we must have it in our lives. Without it, what can possibly make sense. Things have an order and a stability to them that is impossible to argue with. It is intolerable to live in such a way that there is no order. In such a world, there would be no truth. There would be no logic. there would be no knowledge, science, love, art, language, communication, religion, or sanity. If we are not consistant, we have no foundation to build a life on. Inconsistency literally is insanity. Saying one thing, but acting on the contrary is madness. If we speed, we endanger not just children, but everyone around us. So how can we then profess the sanctity of human life? As humans, it is our goal, no it is our responsibility to get our priorities, philosophies, and ideologies straight. Once we know what we believe, then we need to live it. It is not enough to simply know, for knowledge in and of itself helps no man. It is the function, the actual use of the knowledge as a tool that proves its usefulness. So think a little. Decide what you believe. Find the holes and inconsistencies in your life and patch them up with action. I live a vastly different life than I wish to live, and that is okay as long as I am still striving to reach my goal of consistency. Remember: insanity, inconsistency.

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