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Saturday, January 28, 2012

What is In a Name?

What is in a name? Identity? Familiarity? Knowledge? A name is nothing more than a label that we give something. Sometimes it seems as if a name is only a simple title, but I do not find this to be true. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," but a rose does not have the ability to make decisions. A rose is not aware that it even has a name. And a rose by another name would confuse people. After all, it is of names of people that I am speaking of now. The tongue has a curious power; the words it speaks have the capacity to influence people. Names are words, but most of us are simply ignorent of their meaning. A title can control your life, if not only sway your disposition slightly. Although this is not true in every case, I have found that my name is a fairly large part of my nature. But a name is more than a temperament; it is a badge. Some dislike and disdain their names, but I hold mine in high regard. It was given to me by my parents, the name of my father, and I plan to pass it on to my son. Titles have the potential to inspire faith in a person if connected with the idea of a man or woman of strength and dignity. Names hold power stronger that most are aware and many are willing to credit. So, do not look down on your name or its meaning. Pick it up out of the dirt, dust it off, and put it on a shelf for all to see. Be glad to have a title by which people can recognize you. Be proud of your identity.

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