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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Complaints of Complaining

Why is a desire for complaining so engrained in us? We feel the need to grumble whenever we are the slightest bit uncomfortable or awkward rather than taking action to make a change. Has the human condition degenerated so far that whining is our first reaction? I must say that I do the same. When I am tired, or stressed, or bored, or sore I mutter to myself and whoever else is listening, whether they want to hear it or not. But why? What good does this do? None. Like grinding salt into a festering wound, moaning does more harm than good. actually, it does not help at all. So why do we want to inhibit ourselves from healing? Why do we chain ourselves to negativity? Because that is what we know. That is what we have been taught by society, and it must be understood that society has imparted a myriad of destructive behaviors. How can we combat this? Well, I am glad that you asked. We have to fight our nature by making a conscious effort to remember and realize what we are doing. We cannot lose ourselves in sleep. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this world that we live in. If we fail to identify the problems with our though own processes, we fail to know our weaknesses, and you cannot change what you do not realizes as dangerous

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