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Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Natural Order

Do not fight the natural order, they say, Do not go against the flow, rock the boat, or tip the scales. Things are a certain way for a reason. The lion kills the gazelle and all that. His father was a farmer and his father before him, so he will be a farmer. She was born poor, she will live poor, and she will die poor . . . But is we do not fight the Natural Order, what are we doing with our lives? Nothing! We float, ghost-like through an existence that was meant to be so much more. And the Truth is that people struggle against nature everyday. Any time they drive their cars, or sip their mochas, or take their medicine, or live in their houses. The earth was not put here with these things on it, man fought for them and made them. Every time that the hot summer air presses softly on their skin, they run from the Natural Order to their air conditioned safe havens. But a number of these people still slide through life without purpose. This kind of tipping the scales has little more than selfishness as a reward. I want to live in such a way that I fight normality. I crave a life of more than surface value. I want to buck the system, to rock the boat in such a way as to spill society out of the boat; maybe then the cold water would shock them into living. I want to be born rich and die poor; to be born a farmer and become a fisher. This life has only a temporary hold on me and it should know that. I will not forever be constricted to this body with its sorry limitations. One day my spirit will be free, and I want it to rest and know that it did something to change this world for the better. I want to rest in the peace of fighting the Natural Order.

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